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Short films

Available: Oct 11, 2022 00:00
Until: Nov 30, 2022 23:59
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Short films
The team of selectors, in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, has selected 25 shorts from all over the world, to deliver them to the FCCV Jury and the Young Jury who assign the Award to the best short film in their respective categories. Special mentions are also awarded for direction, photography, screenplay, actor, actress and soundtrack.
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Blu Cobalto Blu Cobalto

Blu Cobalto

Lorenzo is a teenage boy, homosexual, very shy and withdrawn, wears cobalt blue nail polish on his fingernails and pencil around his eyes.
At school he is bullied by Xavier, a classmate who makes his days a living hell.
Lorenzo knows that every day, insults, shoves, assaults of all kinds, physical and verbal, await him...
15 minutes
Giù le mani da Paperino Giù le mani da Paperino

Giù le mani da Paperino

Thanks to his love at first sight for a Donald Duck stuffed animal and the gesture of a good man, little Claudio learns an important lesson that as an adult he tries to pass on to Giulia, a girl he met by chance with whom he falls in love, and to Sara her daughter, helping them through a difficult time even at the cost of risking his own life.
8 minutes
Milena Milena


The story is about entrepreneur Milena who discovers one of her employees stealing materials from the
company's warehouse. The worker, whose name is Enzo, is deaf-mute. Enzo steals the material to take it home where, his wife Anna uses it to build dollhouses. After discovering this, Milena realizes Anna's talent and decides to hire her, thus enhancing her skills in the factory and recognizing her increasingly rewarding role.
14 minutes
Slap me to Sleep Slap me to Sleep

Slap me to Sleep

Three reckless robbers target a chinese mafia club. They do not know, however, that the bartender, the only one who knows the safe combination, is narcoleptic and falls asleep suddenly when he gets too emotional...
7 minutes


Roberto, an elderly tailor man, close to death, has to deal with his past, through a mysterious person he meets during one of his walks on the edge of a lake
12 minutes
La Challenge La Challenge

La Challenge

An intergenerational challenge on the themes of the environment hosted in the enchanting atmosphere of the island of Procida. Tommy will teach us how small daily gestures will save the World, our island in the universe!
Production and Photography Note:
The environmental mission of the short film was an inspiration for the same Production that, in agreement with Photography, implemented all the systems for self-sustaining and the minimum environmental impact for the realisation. For the shooting, self-built and / or reaustic equipment was used (optics of the 70s, gripment built with pieces of disused cinematographic equipment), for the lighting the Author of Photography Francesco Morra used only natural light, filters and reflection systems present on the locations, the batteries were recharged with solar panels (etc, etc).
Director Carlo Alessandro Argenzio Thanks to Giffoni Innovation Hub then launched a campaign entitled #LaChallenge with notebooks like Tommy's with which the kids continued the everyday challenge to save the planet.
13 minutes


Alla ricerca di cibo, un ragazzo irrompe in una casa. Ma, quando i proprietari ritornano, rimane intrappolato all'interno con loro.
16 minutes


Un vedovo solitario chiama accidentalmente una hotline, nasce così un'improbabile amicizia con la sua interlocutrice.
16 minutes


Baran è una quindicenne in fuga da casa ed in cerca di aiuto. Con lei solo il suo terribile segreto.
15 minutes


Il Dottor Agordo presta assistenza domiciliare all’anziana Lorenza, ormai sconfortata dalla malattia e ritrosa agli stimoli. Un pianoforte stabilisce tra i due una forte empatia, che risveglia ricordi e fa emergere i rimpianti di una vita in un turbinio di emozioni.
10 minutes
Between 7 and 8 am ( Tra le 7 e le 8) Between 7 and 8 am ( Tra le 7 e le 8)

Between 7 and 8 am ( Tra le 7 e le 8)

Daniele's hectic but ordinary routine is upset by his old father Armando when he informs him that he has a medical problem and Daniele it's the only one that can help him
15 minutes


Il rapporto complesso tra un padre, illusionista famoso in tutto il mondo, e una giovane figlia musicista, si risolve dopo tanti anni proprio nel luogo che li ha più profondamente uniti e divisi: il palcoscenico.
13 minutes


Nella controra estiva, che al Sud Italia è il limbo rovente tra il dopopranzo e il pomeriggio, una donna e un uomo giungono ad una resa dei conti. Nelle penombre di una casa qualunque, gli sguardi maligni e il rancore doloroso, trattenuto come l'aria
respinta dalle persiane, spinge i loro desideri ad infiammare la loro coscienza.
14 minutes


Marzo 1944. Roma è sotto l'occupazione nazista. Elena e un gruppo di giovani partigiani decidono di ribellarsi.
14 minutes
A Love story A Love story

A Love story

On a late spring afternoon, in a family home, a lady in her
seventies, enters the large living room and looks around.
Immediately her attention is caught by a large blue sofa,
in the reading corner. The woman slowly but surely reaches the
couch, sitting next to a man hidden by a large newspaper.
In her hand she holds a white flower that she found in the place
where is now sitting. She sniffs it absorbed when the man attracts
her attention by asking her for coffee. The woman tries to decline
the offer but the good-natured insistence of the man reassures her
and she accepts.
The two drink the coffee commenting on the quality. The woman says
that she often drink coffee with her husband. The man stops and
turns towards the woman. The woman's unconcerned and unfriendly
look is lost in the eyes of the man obviously moved.
The woman seems to recognize him, it is the husband with whom she
has shared a life. The two embrace tenderly, overcome by emotion,
when suddenly the woman looks at him.
She pulls away from the embrace with coldness and without turning
around she leaves. The man greets her calling her by name, giving
her an appointment before giving in to tears.
In leaving quickly, however, the woman, does not forget the white
When she returned to his room, carefully placed in the vase next
to other withered white flowers.
7 minutes
Briciole Briciole


Alfredo è un poliziotto, vive con i suoi tre figli e la moglie Donatella in una piccola casa. La famiglia è in attesa del quarto figlio. Il lavoro, l'arrivo del nuovo pargolo e i piccoli e grandi problemi della vita lo stanno schiacciando. La risposta ad una chiamata d'emergenza per una rapina a mano armata cambierà la sua visione della vita.


Alfredo is a police man, he lives with his three sons and his wife Donatella in a small apartment. The family is waiting for the fourth son. The job, and the arrival of the baby and the small and the big problems of life are oppressing himself. An emergency call for an armed robbery will changes his vision of life.
17 minutes
Le variabili dipendenti (The dependent variables) Le variabili dipendenti (The dependent variables)

Le variabili dipendenti (The dependent variables)

When does childhood really end? And what does intimacy truly mean? Pietro and Tommaso are at the gates of their teenage years. They meet in the lodge of a theater, while the notes of Vivaldi resonate around them. Is it a first kiss, or is it something else? That same afternoon, surrounded by the silence of the house, they will try to understand it.


Quando finisce l’infanzia? E cosa significa veramente l’intimità? Pietro e Tommaso sono alle porte dell’adolescenza. Si conoscono nel palchetto di un teatro, mentre le note di Vivaldi risuonano intorno a loro. È un primo bacio. È forse qualcos’altro? Quello stesso pomeriggio, circondati dal silenzio delle pareti di casa, cercheranno di scoprirlo.
16 minutes
Ad Alma / To Alma Ad Alma / To Alma

Ad Alma / To Alma

Un padre deve affrontare la morte della figlia di nove anni. Sarà attraverso la musica, sua passione e legame tra i due, che imparerà a convivere con il dolore della perdita.
A father faces the death of his nine years old daughter. It will be through music, his passion and bond between them, that he learns how to live with the pain of loss.
15 minutes
'MERICA (ita) 'MERICA (ita)

'MERICA (ita)

Nel 1922 due umili famiglie di pescatori marchigiani decidono di partire per la “ ‘Merica ”, l’America. Accade però l’inaspettabile: una tempesta in mare aperto travolge e distrugge la loro barca, unica fonte di sopravvivenza. Le speranze si tramutano in preoccupazioni e paura, in una realtà che impone loro una scelta e condizionerà il futuro delle generazioni a venire.
14 minutes
Tutù Tutù


Un piccolo paese del sud Italia è scosso dalla scomparsa di Maria La Torre, una giovanissima ballerina morta di anoressia. Ad accusare maggiormente il colpo è Ester, una compagna di classe per cui Maria rappresentava un ideale di bellezza e talento. Come legate da un filo invisibile, Ester sembra destinata alla stessa sorte dell’amica.


A small town in southern Italy is shaken by the death of Maria La Torre, a very young dancer who died of anorexia. Ester, a classmate for whom Maria represented an ideal of beauty and talent suffered the loss the most. As if tied by an invisible thread, Ester seems destined for the same fate as her friend.
15 minutes
Wonders of Berlin Wonders of Berlin

Wonders of Berlin

In una fredda notte berlinese, Maya decide di rivelare il suo amore a Stella. Nonostante ricambi il sentimento, Stella è costretta a rifiutare a causa del suo incredibile segreto.

In a cold Berlin night, Maya decides to reveal her love to Stella. Despite her interest, Stella is forced to refuse because of her amazing secret.
5 minutes


This film is a memoriam of the British military and their volunteer Dutch colleagues - the first victims on the paratroopers’ wall in Mauthausen. Their story is almost forgotten and was never filmed or screened.
15 minutes
Blackout Blackout


The lives of six strangers waiting for someone's arrival in a dark parking lot intersect during a power outage.
15 minutes


Jiho, un giovane Korean-American e sua nonna, vedono le loro vite purtroppo stravolte da episodi di razzismo e vandalismo. Vivendo in una piccola cittadina dell'entroterra Americano durante la pandemia Covid, subiscono sulla propria pelle le conseguenze dell'odio razzista nato negli ultimi due anni. La morte prematura della nonna spinge Jiho ad interrogarsi e a riscoprire l'orgoglio delle proprie origini attraverso le tradizioni trasmesse a lui da generazioni, in particolare il tè.

It’s a small town in America. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, life for Jiho, a second-generation Korean American man, and his Grandma seem to be getting gradually worse day by day. People they once knew are now targeting them, to the point that Grandma’s fruit farm is vandalized while Jiho and Grandma are inside. After that, Jiho will never see Grandma again. Losing Grandma will evoke an urge in him, to find out more about himself and his culture, from the language all the way to the traditions of tea that were passed down for generations.
14 minutes
Gli ultimi della Terra Gli ultimi della Terra

Gli ultimi della Terra

Pietro è un vecchio raccoglitore di erbe medicali che sceglie di vivere isolato, su una monta­gna: custode di una tradizione antica, quella dei pastori e boscaioli, aiuta gli abitanti della montagna curando gli animali con infusi e scambiando con loro favori e prodotti. Ma con l'avvento del parco molte di queste pratiche oramai sono proibite e i luoghi della mon­tagna vietati, cosicché un giorno, per sfuggire ad un carabiniere che vuole impedirgli di conti­nuare a praticare le cure con le erbe, fugge e cade da una rupe ... Si risveglia in una città vuota, senza trovare pace, dovrà dare un senso al tempo ... Comin­cerà a prendersi cura degli ultimi. ..

Pietro lived isolated on a mountain, helping the locals to treat their animals with medicinal herbs. Unfortunately the area became a national park and many of his practices were prohibited. So that one day, to get away from a policeman, he fell off a cliff... He woke up in an empty city, unable to find peace. He had to make sense of the time... so he started taking care of the last ones..."
10 minutes

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